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Sweaty Swetha
Swetha is a vascular radiologist by education and a fitness trainer by passion and profession.She grew up playing tennis professionally and continued to play for Alcorn State University in the USA, where she also did her under graduation and post-graduation. In 2018, after teaming up with Devrath Vijay aka NinjaDev, she quit her job at the hospital to take up fitness and online training as a full-time profession and also to travel the world and learn different forms of fitness.

Ninja Dev
Devrath is a computer science graduate whose love for dancing, modelling and martial arts during his college and techie days drew him into the world of fitness. Having quit his job as a software engineer at IBM, he went on to become the Gym Manager at a Luxury Health Club following which he became a Strength and Conditioning coach at a CrossFit facility in Bangalore. He currently runs Academy of Strength - a highly acclaimed boutique fitness chain in Bangalore.