Ninja Dev
Devrath Vijay, also known as Ninja Dev, is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA-CSCS), an Animal Flow Master Trainer, an IFAA Master Trainer, an Incrato Level 1 Trainer (Strength and Conditioning), and an Accredited Rehab Trainer.
He graduated in computer science, but his passion for dancing, modeling, and martial arts during his college and tech days led him to the fitness world. After leaving his job as a software engineer at IBM, he worked as a Gym Manager at a Luxury Health Club and then became a Strength and Conditioning coach at a CrossFit facility in Bangalore. He co-founded 'Academy Of Strength', a functional training gym, and 'SweatyNinjas™', with Swetha Devraj, a fellow Animal Flow Master Instructor.
Devrath spends most of his time coaching people online, training and certifying trainers, including Bollywood celebrities like Varun Dhawan and Katrina Kaif, International sportsmen like Rohan Bopanna, and everyday people.
According to him, the human body is capable of endless functional movement patterns, and achieving true potential requires a strong mind and spirit.